April 01, 2005

How To

hey hey now War Mein, here we go:

1. Clear everything away with dangerously powerful explosives. If you can get a nuclear bomb, that gets rid of everything really well.

2. Ramp up

3. Put on some tasty music for which to listen, maybe Captain Beefheart's "Doc at the Radar Station." (Damn! That is TASTY!)

4. Grab oneself a beverage.
I am kind of partial to a dunkel ale or a geuze.

5. VERY IMPORTANT: Chant some nonsense syllables until everthing feels right.

6. Whoop! Whoop!

7. Set up with a righteous looking woman. Maybe go skinny dipping. Study the curvature. (Repeat this step as necessary)

8. Tangle up in the spheroid of reality.

9. Walk the dog and do the funky chicken.

10. Have moicy now!

11. Measure and report ambient phenomena and philosophies.

12. Yeh, buddy. Now you workin' it! Levitate!

13. Sneer like Elvis on a high school field trip.

to be continued


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Mr Anigans said...

"Home again home again, jiggety jig. Good evening JF."

hi, i've linked you at my 'blog'.


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