Day 2, September 20, 2005 Ominous Tuesday Reverberations
1. Its probably no coincidence that Halliburton stock has risen from $9 in mid 2002 to $66.73. I think windfalls from no-bid Iraq contracts and upcoming no-bid Katrina contracts has contributed to this in no small part. Of course, I'm just whining because although I recognized the inevitable, I didn't buy Halliburton stocks, assuming Justice would rear her ugly head and smite them all senseless. This couldn't be further from the truth, as it turns out: I would have made a fortune, over 700%! What a fool I was. Just think how rich Dick Cheney now is. What was I thinking? Squander our tax money, Dick! Mortgage the future of our grandchildren!
2. The issue of the non-appearing coffee bitches is really grouching me sorely: I just returned from the free coffee room and there was no fresh coffee made! Fuck!
3. I must say, Latin adjectives are perplexing.
4. It occurs to me that now is still time to sell out and leave the New York area, prior to some horrific terrorist event. I'm halfway expecting such an event in the wake of Katrina and the cesspool of the Iraqi War. That would be awful. Its kind of like hanging out forever in the Gaza strip. What am I waiting for? Ohio, Indiana or Iowa look much less the target.
5. My Lawn Continues To Die. I am now watering it and have plans to re-seed it and feed it myself. The damned lawn service charged me some $800 for this year and I have never seen the lawn look more embarrassingly ugly and weedstrewn. What a shambles, what a sham! I fired them and they seemed absolutely nonplussed. "Oh, okay." Money-eating assholes! Now I'm faced with a two to three year uphill struggle just to make the lawn presentable! And believe me, my lawn is the last thing I care about, but this is ridiculous. Do it yourself because the "professionals" are illiterate high school dropouts who don't care.
6. More hurricanes! Just think when another shoreline habitat gets flattened. "Duh, wha do we do now?" I know lets allocate another 100 billion dollars by cutting programs for the poor and the middle class. Grr! Halliburton and Bechtel are already on the scene touting trailer home villages in the middle of nowhere for the very poor and suddenly homeless!
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