August 31, 2006

Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate Patterned Response Paradigm

The respondent to whom I am addressing this has hereby been coerced by its designated bureaucratic superior to participate in The Conglomerate’s Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate Patterned Response Paradigm. The Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate Patterned Response Paradigm was strategically formulated to enable newly freedom-coerced co-associates to conform and step in line with great, exacting and efficient rapidity, observing the numerous overwhelming and onerous rules and stipulations flowing from their newly coerced freedom.

On Tuesday, September 5, 2006, there will be a freedom-coerced co-associate joining The Conglomerate for whom the respondent to whom I am addressing this has been assigned as a Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate.

In order to acclimatize and conform you mentally and emotionally to the required activities of the respondent to whom I am addressing this’s role as a Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate, please address telephonically the human known also as Enxarma Zabacconna Smith-Jones in the Indoctrination Center on the 12th floor in Pabulum City @ X4332 today for a brief biological unit interfacing compliance assurance indoctrination session. The referenced freedom-coerced co-associate will meet the respondent to whom I am addressing this on Wednesday September 6, 2006 and the Pseudo-Amiable Co-Associate Patterned Response Paradigm packet and token non-cash remuneration will be sent to the respondent to whom I am addressing this via inter-bureau physical mail.

The respondent to whom I am addressing this must accept token gratitude from the Conglomerate for The respondent to whom I am addressing this’s involuntary but seemingly necessary involvement in this new Patterned Response Paradigm!

Enxarma Zabacconna Smith-Jones
Biological Nullification Services


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