In my own dream
I hate when that happens.
Okay, outside the dreamscope for a second. I'm really upset with my lawn mower. (Ever feel like that?) I'm so disappointed in you, Mr Lawn Mower! (Sure, I know its not a person, its only a machine.) But, why can't you be just a tad more considerate and respectful? You act like a total asshole!
Enough. Here's the dream in a capsule, Me and several unidentified others leave the apartment we're living in unlocked on purpose. Hiding behind bushes (or malls or something) we see people go in, drink up, goof off and then go to bed. We go back in to confront them, suspecting them to be film noir bad guys. When we wake them up, they are just skinny little boys. I capture them and call their parents. We meet their parents in some dimly-lit Starbucks type place and the parents spend the whole time on the phone telling other people how disappointed they are. In turn, I'm disappointed in the parents, who aren't parenting very well. They are only concerned that they had to take time off work - they don't care about their Juvenile Delinquent, drunk sons. At this point in the dream, I wake up in disgust.
Goddamn you, lawnmower! You know, you can be replaced with a green alternative!
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