Pathetic Unread Blog of Unremitting Pathos
Dear Motherfuckers,
It being Christmas Season and Happy New Year Season, the time would seem ripe for our glorious country to start a new, illegal war or to foist some unspeakable burden off on the defenseless, in the name of profit. Could I get an "Uh-huh"? Now that Bushie is building Bushvilles: flimsy trailer parks in the middle of nowhere for the disenfranchised, I think the true colors of this administration are beginning to run. Think of it: poor, jobless underclass refugees confined to cheezy, temporary metal buildings. Sort of a concentration camp or hideous postmodern ghetto. Unspeakable. So now that he's doing this, Texas begins to burn. I await his response to this latest disaster and the reaction of the Texans to "their" president.
Since the government is so fond of torture, I have an idea. They can send Ken Lay of Enron and other corporate scoundrels to a secret Eastern European camp and have the CIA torture them. Yes, this sounds like a good use of torture: torture as revenge.
Have a nice day!
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