December 29, 2005

Pathetic Unread Blog of Unremitting Pathos

Dear Motherfuckers,

It being Christmas Season and Happy New Year Season, the time would seem ripe for our glorious country to start a new, illegal war or to foist some unspeakable burden off on the defenseless, in the name of profit. Could I get an "Uh-huh"? Now that Bushie is building Bushvilles: flimsy trailer parks in the middle of nowhere for the disenfranchised, I think the true colors of this administration are beginning to run. Think of it: poor, jobless underclass refugees confined to cheezy, temporary metal buildings. Sort of a concentration camp or hideous postmodern ghetto. Unspeakable. So now that he's doing this, Texas begins to burn. I await his response to this latest disaster and the reaction of the Texans to "their" president.

Since the government is so fond of torture, I have an idea. They can send Ken Lay of Enron and other corporate scoundrels to a secret Eastern European camp and have the CIA torture them. Yes, this sounds like a good use of torture: torture as revenge.

Have a nice day!


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