The Bridge To The Future
Ah, yes my friends, I plan to personally see that we build a Bridge To The Future for all feet to use, irrespective of footskin or toenail color, creed or sexual orienteering!
It will be a pretty bridge indeed, more beauteous than the Golden Gate Bridge, more old than the Brooklyn Bridge, more harmonic distortional than the Seattle Kerblooie Bridge, more secretive than the Bridges of Madison County and more placid than the Bridge Over Troubled Where Is Waldo?
Aesthetes will ooh and caterwaul at the pointillistic naturalism of such a bridge. Athletes will flex and groan. Squirrels will chitter and flamandang like stowaways on a decrepit starship.
I plan to see that we use our feet personally to climb, build and use, irrespective of foreskin or hobnail fundamental discolorations, peasantscreed or Kerblooie! the famoustastic bridgie! It will be Ah, yes my friends, a pretty bridge indeed, more beauteous than the Golden Ape Bridge, more secretive than sexual orienteering like stowaways all days (or have I forgotten dem Bridges of pointillistic Madison County?) Masticating gesticulatively, and more placid than the Bridge Where Is That Overly-Troubled Waldo? Aesthetes will ooh and Squirrels will caterwaul a Bridge To The Future for all Gate Bridge, more old than the Brooklyn Bridge, more harmonic distortional than the Seattle at the (ohman ohman ohman) naturalism of such a crinkling in the sunset bridge. Athletes will flex and women will groan beneath them on the bridge a buttment, chittering, flamandanganizing and bellowing aboard a decrepit starship.
Thank you very much.
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