October 16, 2006

Giant Psychedelic Rooster Assaults Our Reality

This just in from a Drunken Octogenarian Farmer, Brutus Clamtram

A Giant Psychedelic Rooster has been unwittingly unleashed from an unknown dimension to lunch upon our reality. The greatly foolish Pandu Samuyan caused this to happen by leaving the seat of his toilet in the “up” position. (Pandu’s toilet is the site of a discontinuity – or chrono synclastic infinidibulum – between the warp and woof of both parallel realities.

Pandu’s wife (Man! What a hunk of woman!) has frequently warned him of the folly of leaving the toilet seat in this condition. But she tole him and she tole him and she tole him! But still, he a no LISTEN!

All apologies that I must inform you of this great terror.

And now, Pandu informs me via mental telepathy that the great psychedelic rooster’s arch-enemy, the Golden Turkey has crossed over from the discontinuity into reality gobbling like thunder.

As I write this, the Giant Psychedelic Rooster is crowing like a 90 megaton Godzilla windstorm, behaving badly, smearing visually and slurping down huge swathes of reality. Only the Golden Turkey may be able to save us. The Golden Turkey and dumb luck.


At 12:02 AM, Blogger SpiffyTurtle said...

I like psychodelic rooster. He pretty.



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