July 09, 2008

My High School Year Book is Flotsam and/or Jetsam in the Stream of Life


This story really is funny - people putting phoney names in a High School yearbook. This is an action that will matter for perhaps 1 month, at the outside. Then, all of the yearbooks go onto shelves never to be perused again. They are much like Wedding Albums in that regard. The longer you have them the less you need them and the less you need them the longer you have them. Its all such hooey and hyperbole and guacamole. I remember my Dad had a yearbook-like book from the Pacific Theater of World War II for his regiment. Think about that. Here's my High School Yearbook and my Wedding Album and my War Book. I suppose you could also have Year Books for all the faceless corporate gigs you have over your life. "Oh, here's the year book from when I worked for Soulsuck International, its really a page-turner!" I remember one place where they were contemplating doing this. I refused to participate but I think they actually did print a book. These sorts of books might fall into the "Suicide Motivation" genre. Its all so human, you know.


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Bryce Ballard said...

LOL!!! That's so true! :D


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