December 22, 2008

Happy Guacamole

Well, that its of year again time! The time when Uncle Claudio brings the Guacamole Truck to the neighborhood laden with fish, tacos and prizes. I can hear the merry taunts of the lawn bowlers and sharpshooters ring out already. Soon everyone will be out whirling on the lawns, hooting and throwing the bang-a-roo.

Its like saying is everybodys, this is time best of years!


At 9:01 AM, Blogger mud_rake said...

We like Guacamole
On Memorial Day,
Or during intermission at the Passion Play.

Yet who is there to say,
The best time for guacamole?

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jinbon H Wrong aka Sloop John B said...

you may have a point, mud_rake!


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