August 09, 2005

Little Green Men Found Not to Land in the Desert

Today the space shuttle landed without exploding, which is considered to be a success beyong wildest reckoning. "Why do I? Why do I? Why do I keeping f@cking up?" as Brother Neil would have it.

My friends of long-standing, the White Sox, blew into town and promptly lost to the Yankees, a team inferior to them. This sucks.

Also, I attended my first Mets game at Shea Stadium and was surprised to find it so....civilized. I was expecting something wild and uncouth, like Yankee Stadium, whose fans are like subhuman beasts. Mets fans are clean, orderly and polite. Very surprising. Carlos Beltran continues to disappoint, but Mike Piazza: now there's a manly baseball player. Also, the Mets Zambrano beat the Cubs Zambrano. Nothing for Derek Lee, player of the year. He was all a whiffing and striking out. Ho ho.

I sent mail to all of my representatives in national government asking them how in the devil, if the ANWR drilling bill passes, that they pretend the bubbling crude will be transported safely from ANWR to the lower 48? More pipeline? How about just running it over the permafrost? Assholes! I asked them several other questions about the proposition, the answers to which I will be amused to observe.


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