The Golden Voyage of Barney Rubble, part 9
We seemed to be at odds with reality as we rode the bobbing ship over the hysterical, green seas. As another day drew near its close, I noticed that Sensitivo, his brother Primitivo and Quoenggeoranq were the only ones beside me on deck and all of us were sweltering like coolies under the insane, throbbing sun.
The three morons had taken their golden armor off and all three were standing around playing with their boners. We had clearly been at sea too long. I looked away as Quoenggeoranq was getting a soulful look on his face. I determined then and there to start sailing along the blue star constellation lanes to the fair land of Something or Other. Soon enough the sun would plummet into the foam, dislodging the moon into the pale light night sky.
After the overland trip, following the lengthy sea journey we would come to the great buttressed city and ply our male wares with the lonesome women strangers arrayed there for our seagoing benefit. Clearly, the morons were primed to run amok.
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