September 28, 2005

Day 8 Wednesday 28, 2005 Heavy Burdens Falling Down

The heavy burden of unbridled governmental bureaucratic tail-chasing has been imposed upon me from above. Like a gray little man in a gray suit wearing a visor, I will be pursuing the brilliantly perfected stupidity of legislated pokery, in the form of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation.

This set of highly suspect government requirements came out of "the Enron Scandal" shenanigans. Rather than crucifying the fools who took Enron down, the government has imposed a bewildering maze of requirements on the part of big business left standing: i.e. everyone but Enron. To pay for their transgressions, the legislation requires huge amounts of poorly-define audits to take place. "Just what we needed, more meaningless audits!"

The truly wonderful aspect of all this is that the management, care and feeding of this mess has been turned over to accountants! Holy shit! How gray, ambiguous and obscure can a thing be made? (We are finding this out!) THE END IS NEAR


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