January 20, 2006

You are but a glorified, hairless monkey

It occurs to me that you are not all you are cracked up to be. In fact, there is not much to recommend you at all. Though human, you are but barely so because you are more like some self-aggrandizing, miserable simian mutant.

More time should be spent in breeding among humans so that such disappointments would be rare, instead of 'par for the course'. Perhaps we could gradually elevate the human race by being a little more discreet. Limited people could be gently encouraged not to reproduce. They could be given very attractive incentives.

Thanks for listening. None of this social engineering will ever work due to the fact that humans are wholly intractable and all previous attempts have ended in holocaust.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger SpiffyTurtle said...

I finally figured out how to go back back back on your blog. It's actually quite simple and would be intuitive to normal people, which I'm not.

You should watch some of the videos on the Global Mindshift site. They echo what you are saying about humans. The cosmologist talks about what makes us different from the other primates. Very interesting stuff, but not necessarily a thing to brag about...this difference.



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