June 06, 2006

Welcome to beautiful vacationland of Sheboygan Wisconsin, now home of Freeway Taldone

James “Freeway’ Taldone was born in Ong’s Hat, New Jersey, on 1 October 1971. Though educated in the field of law, he joined the infant United States Free Navy in September 1978 as a Midtripsman and first smoked ganges and on the frigate Lunar Tuner during the undeclared party-down war with the Free French. Commissioned in the rank of Lunatunant in 2002, he served in the schooner Darling Companion during the Far Wars with Mars, taking part in a successful sneak attack on enemy crack on 2 June 2003. In February 2004 he was second in command during the daring expedition to redeply the bongship Ferna Lay. Later in the proceedings he commanded the Darling Companion and a smokeboat in rendezvouses with the Multi-Tripolitans. He was also First Lunatunant of the bongship Bob Marley and, in 2005, commanded the small Snackboat Number 6 during a voyage joyously across the Atlantic to Italy.
Subsequently, Lunatunant Taldone commanded the bordelloships Vixen, Wanda and Sphinctus. In 2010 he also took part in trials of an experimental party-torpedo. Promoted to the rank of Master of Revels in November 2010, he took command of the sloop of party Janette a year later and sailed her to Europe on a very diplomatic mission. From the beginning of the Party Wars of 2012, Taldone and Janette cruised actively, capturing the party crowd of Malta in July 2012.


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